Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our First Eggs!

So. . .I'm way behind here, but last Thursday, the 25th, we got our first chicken eggs! We weren't expecting our cute little squawkers to start laying until at least September, so it was a pleasant surprise to say the least!

I opened the coop door to check their food and water, even leaned in a bit to level out their food.
As I was closing the door I happened to notice a cute little egg just sitting there in the middle of
the coop floor. I have no idea how I missed seeing it. It was so little and cute! 

Did I mention how cute it was?

At first I just kind of stood there and stared, it took a second to sink in that it had come from one of our own chickens. I even wondered for a sec if it was my husband just playing a trick on me by sticking a store bought egg in there, but it was so much smaller than the ones in our fridge that it couldn't have been that.

Then I felt really bad. I wasn't expecting any eggs for at least another month, so I didn't have the
coop ready with their nesting boxes. This poor chicken had to lay her first egg in the middle
of the wood floor. Poor thing. So I set out to remodel the coop. 

I had planned on adding a couple more feet off the end of the coop for their nesting boxes. But. . . 
because this is how most of my DIY projects work  I got one end of the coop torn apart, managed to break the blade on my saw and basically got nowhere. After putting everything back together the best I could and having nothing to show for the last hour of my life I was left with no choice but to do the best with what we had and just added a few boards to separate a section off in the back and added more torn newspaper strips to make it soft and cushiony. Yes, I just said cushiony.

This whole process took a couple of hours and when I was putting everything away and cleaning
up I noticed one of the chickens in the coop, scratching around in the newly set-up nesting boxes.
She was acting kinda wierd and wouldn't leave that area. I closed the door and left her alone for a while. After about a half hour I came back to check on her and she was chasing another chicken
out the coop squawking at her as loud as she could.

Inside, hidden under the newspaper, was another cute little egg, this time a brown one. 

Two eggs, three hours apart, over one month ealrier than expected. What a day!

We didn't get any eggs the next day, which was disappointing, but have had two
everyday since then. It's been a lot of fun going out to gather them up.
I can only imagine what it will be like when all six of them are laying! I can't wait!

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