About Me

Welcome to my blog. I am a stay-at-home mom of four kids, one dog and six chickens. I am a big fan of frugality. In other words...I am super cheap. Just ask my husband or kids. I once talked myself out of buying a 79cent cactus, after walking around the store for 45 minutes debating whether or not I really needed it or not! Pretty sad, huh? I am a self-proclaimed 'do-it-yourselfer' and get super excited in home improvement stores. There is no way I am going to pay someone to do something that I can do myself, right?
I am also a HUGE advocate of living a healthy lifestyle... and that has been my biggest focus in my little family. I am on a mission to change our eating, become more self-sufficient and lead an overall happy and positive, earth-friendly, feelin' good 'cuz I love myself kinda life for myself, my husband and all the super lucky kids that I have been blessed with! ;)
Come share in our journey, we'd love to have ya'!

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